Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Yes, it is true. I have spent nearly two months NOT drawing. Not a thing. It has been a great summer and I toted my sketchbook and drawing tools all over the place and never sat down to draw anything. Now, this week I feel like I am home and "back in the groove" and have pulled out paper and pens and started to draw again. I am rusty. I drew several things not worth sharing. But I am back at it. Just goes to show how quickly the habit can go south.

I have been enjoying Danny Gregory's blog and his drawing prompts, though I have yet to take on the challenge of any one of them, but they give me some ideas of places to start.

Have you been drawing? Have you been able to draw while you've done some summer traveling? What are your goals, if any, for your drawing? Mine are to loosen up and make more graceful lines.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't draw on my summer vacation either. But I'm drawing quite a bit now. My goal is to find a favorite tool or style to make my own. So far I'm bouncing between charcoal pencils, regular pencils, ink pens, felt tip pens, and watercolor pencils. I'd like to find a happy place to settle into. :-)
